Logan Healthy Living referrals
Logan Healthy Living accepts medical and other referrals
No out-of-pocket for patient
This service is wholly covered by Medicare. There is no out-of-pocket expense for participants as Logan Healthy Living services are bulk-billed.
GP Referrals
GP’s can provide a ‘Referral Form for group allied health services under Medicare for patients with Type 2 diabetes’.
GP’s can provide a ‘Referral Form for group allied health services under Medicare for patients with Type 2 diabetes’.
Intake Assessment
To begin their journey with us, clients will undergo an intake assessment to ensure that they can participate in the program safely and successfully.
To begin their journey with us, clients will undergo an intake assessment to ensure that they can participate in the program safely and successfully.
Referral options
Patient information
- Logan Healthy Living PATIENT PDF BROCHURE
- Group Allied Health Services under Medicare
for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes PATIENT INFORMATION
Medical practitioner information
- Medical practitioner fact sheet