Discover the therapeutic benefits of animal interaction.

Perhaps we always knew it, but the proof is in! Studies suggest that pets are good for your heart – in every sense  of the word. Interacting with animals has been shown to lower cortisol (a stress-related hormone) levels and blood pressure, reduce loneliness and boost your mood.

“Animals support our physical, mental and emotional well-being, ” explains geropsychologist and neuropsychologist (and cat owner) Dr Nancy A. Pachana, an advocate for the health benefits of human-animal interactions.

Physical benefits

Pets are attributed to an increase in exercise (e.g. dog walking) and rehabilitation (e.g. in stroke victims through brushing their pet’s coat) for their owners, Pachana explained.

According to the research, petting or talking to dogs leads to improved cardiovascular health,  and both cat and dog owners may experience fewer minor health concerns.

Mental and emotional benefits

The benefits to our mental and emotional well-being are also generous. “Having a pet reduces social isolation for older adults across settings and across varying levels of health and cognitive decline,” Pachana said.

Animals improve psychological well-being and social interaction for those who live alone; and improve social functioning and impulse control for members of animal therapy groups. The studies found  pets buffer the impact of stress, increase self-esteem and reduce anxiety.

Benefits for older persons

Pachana explained the particular importance of animals for older persons, stating that  over 60% of community-dwelling older adults cited pets as a key source of emotional support. 20% of these ranked their pets as the most important support source .

“Dog therapy also reduced aged care resident’s loneliness and depression and improved cognitive impairment in those with dementia. The presence of animals provided… increased socialisation in nursing home residents.”

(N=120) Ueda (2005, unpublished honours thesis)

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